Monday 23 July 2007

Cleaner, Greener, Safer Chorlton

Chorlton Labour Councillors Sheila Newman and Val Stevens work all year round with residents, council officers and the police to create a cleaner, greener, safer Chorlton

On the 14th May a Beatsweep was held in the Keppel Road area. This involved Council officers and the police cleaning up the area and giving crime prevention advice to residents.

During this Beatsweep the following took place:-

16 instances of graffiti removed
6 Parking tickets issued
3 Untaxed vehicles removed
20 poop scoops handed out
1.5 tonnes of rubbish removed from passageways
400+ properties leafleted with crime safety advice

Councillor Sheila Newman said “It was great to see the Council and the police working together to improve the environment and reduce crime. Many residents have told me how pleased they were with the work done on that day.”

On 22nd June another BEATSWEEP took place the CHORLTON GREEN AREA with police and council officers working together to reduce crime and clean up the environment. The Youth Service Youth Bus was also in the area to inform young people about positive activities they can take part in.

Alleygating schemes are now progressing on Cheltenham, Reynard, Nicolas and Newport Roads. There were delays with these schemes because of the need to get 100% consent from residents. The law has now changed and these schemes are progressing well. Alley gating schemes are supported by the police as they help to reduce crime in an area.